My Favourite Pieces Of Lost Media

I'm really interested in lost media. I like that there is media out there that we speculate about it's existence/non-existence. It also brings out the inner detective in me, because I like searching for things. On this page I have included a couple of pieces of lost media that I am searching for and am just generally interested in.
McDonald's eCrew Development Program (eCDP)

ABOUT: In 2010, McDonald's Japan collaborated with Nintendo to create eCrew Development Program, a Nintendo DS game designed to train new employees. The game received some media coverage, but it was only given to McDonald's Japan employees and required an individualized password to play. (source: lost media wiki)
WHY I'M INTERESTED:Okay, I know that this is already found and not really lost media anymore, but I discovered it before it was found. I thought it was interesting because McDonalds made a game specifically used to train employees and not released to the public, which kinda makes it already unattainable. Then there's a password needed to access the game, which makes it even more restricted for public use. It gave us so much reason to want to search for it, and when we finally did and cracked the password, it felt as if we accessed uncharted territory.
H.O.T. Age Of Peace

ABOUT: 5 boys (portrayed by the H.O.T. members) live in a futuristic society where they must win a soccer match against an alien race to protect the aliens from taking over the world. Not much is known about the details of the plot. It is known that in one scene, one of the characters trips during the soccer game. The goalie runs over to him and encourages him to continue the game. In another scene, a character leaves the game suddenly to save the princess, portrayed by Dana, that is in danger. The rest of the team continues to play while he has to fight a dinosaur to save her. (source: lostmediawiki)
WHY I'M INTERESTED: This movie is the reason I even became an H.O.T stan in the first place. I was interested in it because of it's trailer and how dated the graphics looked, which me, being a cyber y2k enthusiast, absolutely loved. I even did a bit of searching on my own and here's what happened.
MY SEARCH: There are behind the scenes videos on Youtube and Bilibili, and the entire soundtrack is uploaded to Youtube, so they aren't trying to hide much except the movie. The movie was made by Shirogumi japan and My-Net korea. Shirogumi is still making movies to this day, and they specialise in CGI animation, so I'm sure they did that for the movie. My-Net korea I'm not sure, but they have a building but no phone number listed so the only way to contact them is to visit them in Korea. The film was distributed by Mille21, and the archive of their website doesn't really help cause it runs with Flash which isn't supported anymore. Unfortunately they are unable to be contacted because they have closed down permanently. At this point, I don't really know what to do, but I was told that there were online download links for the movie, so I might find those.
Jeff The Killer Original Photo

ABOUT: Jeff the Killer is a Creepypasta character portrayed as a noseless and pale-faced man without eyelids and black loops around his eyes. This character became famous with its image, used as an internet screamer, and over time grew to a widespread Creepypasta. The image is a composite of someone's unedited face of which is unknown, but believed to have once existed on the Internet. (source: lostmediawiki)
WHY I'M INTERESTED: I have known about Jeff The Killer and creepypastas since the first time I stepped onto the internet. I have heard of the story that the original image was a woman named Katie Robinson who killed herself after seeing all the things people on 4Chan said about her and how they edited her photo and I believed that to be the story all along, until I found the Lost Media Wiki article and the blameitonjorge video that spoke about the original photo and I am trying to contribute to finding the original thing.
The Israeli "Please Don't Stop" Song

ABOUT: Malibu Video was an Israeli VHS distribution company that was active sometime throughout the 1980s. It uses an English language power metal synth song that has yet to be identified. There is no legitimate information about the song itself online, even when looking up the lyrics for the song. Only this part of the song is known to have surfaced on the internet so far due to it being found in a compilation of Israeli VHS logos, found here, starting at 9:08. These logos, as well as several Greek VHS logos, are infamous amongst the logo community for stealing music from other sources, though the Greek logos are more well known. While many of these music tracks have been identified throughout the years, this one still hasn't. (source: lostmediawiki)
WHY I'M INTERESTED: This case seems very similar to that of The Most Mysterious Song on the Internet, and interestingly enough, uses the same synth as that. It also caught my eye while browsing the wiki one day, because it wasn't receiving much attention, and barely anyone seems to know or be interested in this piece of lost media. I also like the obscurity of every aspect of this piece of media; it's an English song used during the reel of an Israeli VHS distribution company, meaning it is very impossible to find anything about this at all since it was in the 1980s and in Israel, so because I don't speak Hebrew and don't know where to look, I can't contribute anything. The way the song sounds is also very mesmerising, similar to The Most Mysterious Song on the Internet, making the urge to find its origins very prominent.
UPDATE: In May 2023 an extended version of this song was found by melbrooksjew2 on Youtube here. Apparently it played during the credits of a porn movie (which makes sense considering the lyrics), but there were also snippets of the song played throughout the movie, although there's too much talking and moaning playing over it. The band has also been identified as Aladdin's Magic Rub.
Shrek 'I Feel Good' Animation Test 1996

ABOUT: Shrek was released in 2001, but production for the movie dates as far back as 1995, when Chris Farley was initially cast as the role of Shrek before his death in 1997. In 1996, Dreamworks created an animation test featuring the original design for Shrek with Chris Farley as his voice actor. In this animation test, Shrek is said to be walking around outside while singing James Brown's "I Feel Good" when he encounters a robber. He plays with the robber a bit, before shooting him up into the sky, and resumes walking and singing. It is rumoured that Tom Kenny was the voice of the robber, but is unconfirmed. Only a couple screenshots and clips have been found, along with models used in the animation.
WHY I'M INTERESTED: I am the biggest Shrek fan. I have always known the basics of the production of Shrek that Chris Farley was gonna be Shrek and then replaced with Mike Myers who changed his entire look and sound. I only recently found out about this piece of lost media and gained immediate interest. Every time a new screenshot or clip is found I freak out a little bit. I hope I can contrbute to the search in some way.
UPDATE: So like... we found the full short. In November of 2023 The Zoom Art Studio uploaded the full short to Youtube here. Zoom Art Studio is otherwise known as Barry Jackson, who was the production designer for the short. It has since been remastered and more HD screenshots have been found by Brian Drucker, who also worked on the short.
City of Houston "Neon Genesis Evangelion" AIDs PSA

ABOUT: In 1999, Spike Spencer and Tiffany Grant, both voice actors from Houston, specifically Neon Genesis Evangelion, were commissioned by the City of Houston to voice in a PSA for the AIDs virus. The PSA itself consisted of the two teens having sex while an ominous announcer said, "One of these young people is killing the other" along with facts about protected sex and the AIDs virus. When the lines were recorded, the people who commissioned it literally thought their acting was "too good" and ultimately decided not to use it. Spike Spencer was the English voice actor for Ikari Shinji and Tiffany Grant was the English voice actress for Asuka Langley Soryu, so it's been stated that the PSA sounds like Shinji and Asuka having sex.
WHY I'M INTERESTED: Okay, this PSA has been found, but come on. I've found this recently and it's extremely hilarious. The absurdity that it just happened to be the same voice actors for Shinji and Asuka make it a lot more unsettling than it actually is, considering that both Shinji and Asuka are supposed to be underage in the anime. I love Evangelion, so it caught my eye. It still unnerves and makes me laugh at the same time, while still being a solid PSA. You can listen to the PSA here. Obvious NSFW warning. Also that photo above that I found was way too on point, I just had to use it.